New Beginnings Behavior Services

Parent, Educator, and Youth Services

New Beginnings Behavior Services

Parent, Educator, and Youth Services

Behavior Consultation | Nevada, Arizona, California, and Utah

behavior consultation

NBBS provides individualized consultations with an experienced behavior analyst. Consultations can include a wide range of services such as individual observations, behavior assessments, coaching, and training. These consultations are offered without any long-term commitment, providing immediate support and feedback with the choice to opt-out at any time.


NBBS Behavior Consultation Las Vegas NV and Virtual Website photo of provider taking notes on clipboard

what is behavior consultation?

NBBS consultations are designed to help guide you or your team through establishing effective strategies, procedures, and policies. We understand that sometimes families face long waitlists for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services, and during that time, they may require support and guidance. NBBS can be a valuable resource for families who need immediate assistance but are unable to access ABA services right away.

By working with experienced professionals, families can receive individualized support tailored to their specific needs. Providers with NBBS can assist in developing behavior plans, providing recommendations, and addressing concerns related to behavior management, skill development, and other areas of concern. NBBS prioritizes understanding the unique needs and circumstances of each family and offers strategies to support them effectively.

behavior consultation areas

Behavior Intervention Plans

Behavior consultants develop highly customized and detailed behavior intervention plans. These plans are designed to address specific behavioral issues and are often tailored to the unique needs of the individual, whether it's a child with autism or someone with challenging behaviors.


Here at NBBS, communication needs are always the priority. For those in need of language-building or communication training assistance, schedule with NBBS today. We can help provide consultation on Picture Exchange Communication (PECs) Training, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device practice, and social skills communication.

Self Regulation

Behavior Consultation with NBBS empowers parents to foster their child's independence and self-regulation skills. By implementing positive reinforcement techniques, setting clear expectations, and providing opportunities for autonomy, parents can nurture their child's decision-making abilities and develop a sense of self-control.

Connection Building

Above all else, parents want to build healthy harmonious relationships with their children and build deep connections. Effective parent coaching enables parents to build strong, healthy relationships with their children, based on mutual respect, trust, and effective communication. Learn how to create a positive and supportive family dynamic that encourages cooperation, empathy, and emotional well-being.

Get to the heart of behaviors and learn how to manage them

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