New Beginnings Behavior Services

Parent, Educator, and Youth Services

New Beginnings Behavior Services

Parent, Educator, and Youth Services


Howdy, It’s Cierra Walling, and I’m excited to dive into a topic that’s incredibly close to my heart: nurturing healthy social and emotional development in today’s youth to set them up for success in life, real life. With around 15 years of experience teaching social and emotional learning workshops and organizing mental health awareness camps, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative impact these skills can have on our children and adolescents.

Through my years of dedication to this field, I’ve come to truly understand the intricate nature of social and emotional development. It’s about more than just making friends and handling emotions – it’s a profound journey that shapes how our kids connect, communicate, and navigate life’s unpredictable twists. Think of it as a toolkit for life, with skills like empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication forming the cornerstone.

Unfortunately, one of the most glaring trends I’ve observed post-COVID-19 pandemic is that children and adolescents are lagging socially and emotionally. The evolving changes in education following the pandemic have underscored the significance of comprehensive development for young minds. Beyond excelling in academics, instilling robust social and emotional skills has become paramount for their overall growth and future success.

Having worked in schools across Washington, Arizona, and Nevada, I’ve had firsthand experience with the challenges teachers face. It’s no secret that the traditional education system in the United States often falls short when it comes to providing teachers with social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum, resources, or adequate preparation time for SEL lessons. The prevailing emphasis on standardized testing and academic achievements leaves little space for nurturing these vital abilities. Consequently, parents play a pivotal role in bridging these gaps and fostering their children’s social and emotional growth.

The Importance of Fostering Healthy Social and Emotional Development

  • Building Meaningful Connections: Strong social skills empower our young ones to cultivate deep and meaningful relationships. Whether it’s with peers, teachers, or family members, these connections become the bedrock of emotional well-being and resilience.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Let’s talk emotions. Equipping our children with the tools to recognize and manage their feelings equates to giving them a superpower. The ability to tackle stress, setbacks, and challenges with grace becomes a game-changer.
  • Communication Proficiency: Effective communication is a cornerstone of success. Confidence in expressing oneself, actively listening, and understanding differing viewpoints – these are skills that serve them not just academically, but also in relationships and future careers.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Ever wished for conflict resolution without drama? Adolescents armed with strong social and emotional skills become adept at peacefully resolving conflicts, fostering harmony in all spheres of life.

Action Steps Parents Can Take 

  1. Sign Up for Social Skills Groups: Given the gaps in traditional education, enrolling your child in social skills groups provides a structured environment for honing interaction abilities. These groups offer supervised chances for role-playing, communication exercises, and collaborative activities, bolstering their social confidence.
  2. Hire a Social Skills Tutor: Complementing school-based learning with a social skills tutor offers personalized guidance tailored to your child’s needs. Tailored attention allows for focused skill development, addressing challenges, and promoting healthy social connections.
  1. Volunteer in Your Child’s School: Recognizing the need for comprehensive development, parents can volunteer to present on social skills in schools. By sharing insights, strategies, and real-world examples, they foster a collaborative environment that benefits all students and supports the cultivation of vital social and emotional skills.
  1. Trustworthy Sources of Information and Education: In a world awash with information, rely on reputable sources grounded in research and expertise. Seek out books, articles, and online platforms offering credible insights into social and emotional development.

As someone deeply passionate about nurturing social and emotional development, I invite you to embark on this empowering journey with me. While our schools might have limitations, our role as parents holds immense potential. By proactively taking steps like enrolling in social skills groups, hiring tutors, volunteering, and staying informed, we equip our children with tools that extend far beyond the classroom – tools that shape them into confident, empathetic, and resilient individuals.

Let’s work together to empower the next generation, one social skill at a time.